HAVE you spotted a rocket ship icon on your Facebook app? Thousands of social networkers have been treated to the new feature — but it’s lef...

Do you have a rocket on your Facebook? Here is what it means

HAVE you spotted a rocket ship icon on your Facebook app?

Do you have a rocket on your Facebook? Here is what it means

Thousands of social networkers have been treated to the new feature — but it’s left most scratching their heads.

The Sun reports if you are lucky enough to see the little spaceship nestled underneath the search bar, you’re in for a treat.

You are part of a trial for Facebook’s secret second News Feed, which is completely different from its normal timeline.

The new features allows you to toggle between two pages, a familiar Home feed and a brand new Explore feed, which shows pictures and videos even if you aren’t following the source.

Facebook generates these based on your personal preferences and things that your friends have liked or watched.

It’s an attempt to break free of the pesky filter bubble, which has left millions of us reading the same old boring stuff based on our preferences.

Facebook’s algorithms show us content based on things we’ve liked in the past, creating a vicious circle in which we never try anything new.

It also narrows our opinions and perspectives as we only engage with people and ideas with which we agree.

Facebook has not confirmed when the Explore function will be available for everyone.

But the rocket icon appears to be making its way onto Apple phones.

This story first appeared on The Sun and has been republished with permission